Dr Marlon Cruz
  • UK Chartered Scientist (CSci)

  • UK Chartered Engineer (CEng)


By - Marlon

Manx Wallabies?

Really interesting to see how have been the adaptation of wallabies in the Isle of Man. By the way, if you are looking for unbiased, tailored, confidential and approachable advising on surface engineered solutions, tribology and materials engineering backed by 20 years of experience please feel free to drop me an email (marlon@cruz.pro)

By - Marlon

10 types of Scientist

What type of Scientist are you…? Along my almost 20 years of professional voyage I have moved around different roles matching with some of 10 types of scientist identified by UK Science Council.

By - Marlon

Plasma-based coatings: insights and future

Mindfulness walking around a peaceful place always is a great opportunity to clear thoughts and think about enthralling topics. In my case some of my enthralling topics are tribology and surface engineering and how such branches of knowledge are impacting manufacturing processes for wellbeing in our society. Necessarily on top How are interacting surfaces under loading and moving between them?